Notifications based on customers precise choices.

Alerts and Notifications

Similar products based on customers ranking preferences

Similar products

No Tracking
Anonymized Personal Data


Power your online business to deliver highly targeted picks
help save time and money and increase customer loyalty

Virtual Private Assistant

For Online Offer & Demand Businesses

End the frustration of useless searches
Deliver highly targeted picks
Add personalized recommandations

Virtual Private Shopper

For Online Stores

Stop the waste of time and money
Display just the right products and more
Monitor products and send real time notifications

Customer Engagement Solution

For Small Businesses

Use Optim’Match seamless interface
Keep your customers informed of a promotion, special events…

Unleash the power of machine learning to attract, convert and keep customers
Let our SaaS matching engine leverage online user experience on your website





Real Estate


How it works

Website or mobile app integration

Add a script to your code to send anonymized data to Optim’Match SaaS matching engine

Optim’Match monitors in the background…

Watch for deals, back in stocks, finds a match

Optim’Match delivers targeted picks

Display the right products or send sms, mobile notifications or emails directly to your customers.

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